Wednesday, April 18, 2007

pink yarn

Had you asked me two years if I would be excited to recieve yarn, I would have given you a look of confusion. Yarn? Think again.

Add in that it was pink yarn, and I would drop my mouth open in shock. Pink is just about my least favorite color, especially the bright neon kind. Even as a kid, I wouldn't wear it. The only way you'd catch some on me was if it was mixed in with other colors.

Now, fast forward to this weekend, as a lovely little parcel arrived in the mailbox. Inside was the yarn that I had ordered about two weeks ago from Ebay; Rowan Cotton Rope in cyclaman.

You guessed it; I'm completely excited beyond belief. At the risk of sounding like a fool, I nearly let out a yelp of joy when I saw it, and yes, ripped open the package right away to see it.

Also as I'm sure you all have imagined, the yarn is pink. Bright pink to be exact.

To explain, let me say these two points. First, this color was the least expensive available, by a whopping four dollars. Second... okay, there is no second. It was cheep, and I was blinded by that.

I do realize that a mass majority of people do not share in my excitement over yarn. If you think about it, yarn is one of those items in daily life that doesn't really recieve much attention. It's uses generally are for grade school craft projects and tieing things together. Mention how much one skein can run, some over $10 apiece, and you get blank stares of utter confusion.

The masses are right, the basic idea of any form of yarn craft, knitting included, does seem rather silly. To knit, one uses two sticks to put a bunch of yarn into a series of knots. That's it; nothing more to it on the surface. It also takes a long time to do. A simple scarf, for instance, usually takes me over two days.

So then, in the age of machines and advanced technology, why do it? See, it is more the idea behind the craft that pulls me into it. Each skein of yarn could be anything; a hat, a scarf, and sweater, or even a blanket. Such endless possibilies wrapped up in something so small.

So then, what is to become of the skeins from Ebay? I hate to say it, but you'll just have to wait and see.

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